Music of our planets in audible signals

Resonance and experimental research

Within the first moments space, range and stillness open up to you. Cascades similar to an organ to the likes of Bach or Messiaen follow. The next composition will remind you of Bach also yet with sounds of a Cembalo. There follow different „instrumentations“, in fact „orchestrations“ and „styles“. Elements of global music or jazz seem to flash, even though it is something completely new and synthetically induced tones. Still amazement and joy  from this unexpected sounds linger on.

This cd is the result of long standing teamwork with the following: Hartmut Warm, researcher and author of the book „Signature of Spheres“, Brian Cranford,  musician  and Tobias Krug, artist. It is intended to transfere the planet's shifting into music. Warm has analyzed a 2500 years old idea of harmony of spheres. An idea which Kepler crucially renewed 4 centuries ago. Warm examined all this and  found himself confirmed in a completely new manner.  He evaluated this with elaborate back up equipment. According to that musical intervals  with significant compliance – in relation to velocity of the miscellaneous planets -are found in orbit.

In order to conceive  what you are listening to it might be helpful to envision an instrument which sounds off exactly then when two planets circulating the sun reach a certain spot. Positions of the celestial bodies are determined either geometrically or  by the rate of oscillation.  This is transformed to sound.

Respectively six of the well-rehearsed compositions are realized by the method Warm or according to Cranford/Krug. Both are enclosed in the booklet coming with the CD which is quite informative. Joint efforts are that

a specific period of time (for instance 1000 years) is pictured – so that cosmic circumstances are chronologically highly compressed. The event appears in different time lapses. Either proportional velocity or  the angle between the planets  is reset in notes.  Although  the conversion is a matter of exactly computed positions – reflecting the real planetery motion like a score -  there is definitely tolerance for artistic clearance, corresponding approximately with the creation of sound or  sound characteristics.

Even if you are not interested in a profound academic background  you will take a huge benefit from listening to it. Never heard of rhythms and the chronology change your own rhythm of breathing. „Watching“ of music in relation to  ourselves makes it possible to immerse ourselves and as well  the range around us.

(in: info3 magazine september 2013 by Walter Siegfried Hahn)